Contact Matleena Fourth year student using Kassi now and then. You can talk to me both in Finnish and English. 5 open listings Microphone for a computer (Logitech USB) Lending Course Books about Engineering Physics, Math etc. [possibly in sale, too] Lending "Avatar: The Last Airbender" DVDs Lending Romaani: Enkelipeli (Carlos Ruiz Zafón) Lending Pölynimuri Lending No followed people 9 received reviews (100% positive, 9/9) Very nice action. Antti K about listing Course Books about Engineering Physics, Math etc. [possibly in sale, too] 12 years ago. Hyviä purkkeja, enemmän kuin odotin. Laura K about listing Lasipurkkeja kansineen 12 years ago. . Heikki P about listing Nonlinear Programming 13 years ago. Show all reviews Contact Matleena