Fully furnished sauna based two rooms flat 57 m² perfect location

Fully furnished sauna based two rooms flat (57 m²) is available for renting from 1.12.2024 for rent. The apartment is located so close to Iso Omena shopping centre with perfect access to Metro and bus station (3 min from Metro), around 10 min to Aalto University and VTT. The flat is perfect for couple or two friends.

Flat layout: 2h+k+kph+S+vh+Pvk
Kitchen/bathroom/bedroom/balcony are fully furnished
Rent: 1200 €/kk
Rent deposit: one month
Water fee: 22.00 €/kk/person
Other fees: Electricity, Internet
Date available: 1.12.2024
Please send me a message or email (najafi.leila@gmail.com) if you are interested

Ilmoitus luotu 15.04.2024